Friday, May 23, 2008
On a spiritual note
I wasn't sure about posting this here, but then I remembered this is my blog and I can do what I want here. Anyway, I was having a low day this morning. I think it was the sugar low from the chocolate cake with fudge frosting I ate last night. I was feeling depressed and angry. I decided to go visit my friend Holly. She has had my diaper bag since she babysat for us on Tuesday and I have had some stuff to give her as well. I decided to take along the Ensign (I am her visiting teacher) even though I hadn't really read it yet. I haven't read one in months actually. I kind of skimmed and found a bold passage that stuck out to me and later read through it with her. It was a good reminder to me and lifted my low spirits as did the 2 hour talk we had while I was there. The section was this: "Some are lost because they are weary." Lately I have been feeling weary. It gets better some days, but overall I have not been feeling joy in all that I have to accomplish. The reminder I got from this talk was to let the Lord carry some of that burden. It was a message that reminded me that I have accomplished great things when I have involved the Lord in my life. I have not been doing that as much as I ought to lately and I have been feeling the strain that results from carrying my burdens by myself. Why do I forget so quickly when I have had so many experiences that have taught me to trust in His help? You can find the whole talk here if you are interested.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Things are sprouting
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Our backyard surprise
So what if I don't have a little girl
I wanted to make a little girl's dress so this one will be for Raelee if it fits her and her parents approve. She can wear it with a shirt underneath and it will totally be modest. The dress was based on a dress Raelee outgrew and her mother loaned to me to use as a pattern. I'm hoping to try it on Lincoln to see if it really is a size 2T like I had planned. I messed up the first time and had to cut the skirt and top a little, so it may turn out to be too short. We'll have to see.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Last week I went to some garage sales with my friend Erin. We found some little lead animals and bought the whole box of them for only 50 cents. After looking them up on Ebay, we decided they might be better sold rather than stuck up someone's nose so I listed them. The final price was $193.50 plus shipping! It was crazy! We are so excited about our little Ebay sale.
Lincoln's little car bag
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